21 Sep Census: The Final Stretch
Our families depend on the funding provided by the government as a result of the Census count. The census funds things like the school lunch program, WIC, Medicaid/medicare, public transportation, Health care centers, food stamps, and so many more programs and services that help keep our communities safe and healthy.
All these programs receive funding according to how many people live in the state. To determine how many people live in the state the government issues a census every ten years.
Every census cycle the Latinx community is severely undercounted resulting in less funding being put into our community.
The census causes fear in many families since it asks for information about those living in your home, especially following the Trump Administration’s attempt to include the citizenship question. However, the census is 100% secure, the information is protected for 75 years. It will never ask for social security numbers, immigration status, or payment. If you receive anything claiming to be from the census asking for this information do not reply. Information gathered in the census is not shared with immigration.
We encourage everyone to fill out the census this week as the last day to fill it out is fast approaching. September 30th is the last day to fill it out and there will not be an extension.
Help get our community the funding we deserve. If you need help filling out your census or have any questions about the census please reach out to us on any of our social media or via email at amigxs@maketheroadnv.org
For help filling out the census please sign up for our Censo Y Cena, where we will walk you through the census over dinner: https://bit.ly/CensoyCenaform
We all count! Todxs Contamos!