Our community showed up in record numbers to make their voices heard!
All votes were counted and certified by leaders from both parties.
Our efforts this election did not begin in November. Every accomplishment was a direct result of the preparation and hard work of our members. Phone calls to Nevada voters were made on a daily basis by our members. In total, we were able to make 90,000 calls. Via text message, 130,000 voters were reached. Messages of encouragement and offering help to vote were sent to thousands of voters. Our main goal was to encourage folks to go vote and that their vote matters and is needed in this election. We were also able to leave encouraging literature at 10,000 doors while practicing social distancing, wearing Personal Protective Equipment, and constant tests and temperature checks being conducted on a daily basis to ensure the safety of our community. We are incredibly grateful to our members and the community for their support and their efforts to ensure folks got out to vote safely and with motivation.
YAY, we are extremely proud of all of our volunteers who made this election a success. We definitely won in people power this year! ???? pic.twitter.com/ksDuttCEer
— Make The Road NV ???? (@maketheroadnv) November 11, 2020
This election year the real heroes are the folks who were on the ground in the days leading up to and on election day. We want to take some space to elevate and thank the folks who made the election possible and who ensured the safety of voters.
Thank you to every poll worker across the country for securing our rights to vote. Thank you to every postal worker for ensuring our ballots get to election counting facilities safely. Thank you to our members for translating at the polls and helping folks in line with food and water all day.
We are America. We are what makes America great. We the people had our voices heard, now we will move forward for a better America together. El pueblo unido jamas sera vencido, the united people will never be defeated.