#MRNVgivingtuesday 2019

HELP US REACH OUR GOAL OF $1000 BY DONATING TODAY! Our goal for this year’s #GivingTuesday is to be able to raise enough money to pay for two Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) renewal application fees. The cost to renew our DREAMers application is a $495 fee. A substantial amount for any person much less a working student. Giving …

I am a DREAMer: Karla

Karla was brought to the United States at the age of 1 and a half years old. As a DREAMer she has been able to work, pay for school, and live the American Dream with her family. Now with the future of DACA being uncertain, she is determined to fight against family separation. Her message is clear, love humanity and fight for the right to stay in the place she calls home.

On November 12th, 2019, the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) will hear cases on the DACA program. Now more than ever, we need to stand with Dreamers.


If you live in Las Vegas, NV and need assistance with renewing your application or you want to share your story and get involved in the fight to PROTECT OUR DREAMers email: amigxs@maketheroadnv.org

Donate to help local DREAMers renew their DACA http://bit.ly/MRNVdonate

A Spooky evening at Make the Road Nevada

Friday, October 25, 2019, The parking lot in front of the Make the Road (MRNV) offices was filled with princesses, ghosts and superheroes, all waiting to get their share of the candy loot! Over 100 community members and their families joined us to celebrate our first ever Halloween Trunk or Treat. Our plaza’s parking lot featured a giant spider, a …

Make the Road Nevada shows our Pride

Oct. 12, 2019 — This past weekend was the 22nd annual Pride Parade and Festival, and as part of the community, Make the Road Nevada (MRNV) was there to support and share some of the work we do. Along with sharing information, we were doing face painting, LGBTQ trivia, and selling are limited edition Pride Shirts, with all the proceeds …

PRESS RELEASE: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Builds on Movement for Housing Justice in Nevada

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sept 26, 2019 Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Builds on Movement for Housing Justice in Nevada LAS VEGAS —  On Wednesday, September 25th  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez introduced sweeping legislation to address economic inequality. The package, called “A Just Society,” includes six bills that: provide housing justice for renters, update the definition of the federal poverty line, expand the social safety net …

Youth Power Project takes Washington D.C.

Make The Road Youth Leaders had a big week last week! We were part of a week of actions to Welcome Back Congress to remind them that they work for us, and that there is still a lot of work to do for our communities. Many organizations threw down for the days of action on immigrant justice and to re-think safety.  We had four Youth Leaders from our Youth Power Project attend this week of Action.

The Youth Leaders spoke with members of Congress to talk about immigration issues, to share their stories, and to talk to them about the #Not1dollar campaign, a campaign where no one should be allowed to profit off of the pain and suffering of migrant children and their families. But that’s exactly what’s happening at the border under the Trump administration’s horrific and racist immigration policies… There’s still a lot of work left to do, but Make the Road Nevada and the Youth Power Project are up for the challenge, and won’t stop until we see justice!

If you’re interested in becoming a member of the Youth Power Project, join us for our weekly meetings at 4250 E. Bonanza Road, Suite 14, from 4pm to 6pm!

Justice for Puerto Ricans: 2 years after Hurricane Maria

On September 20th, 2017, Hurricane Maria tore through communities in Puerto Rico devastating the Island. Red tape and willful neglect by the federal government have blocked an adequate relief response. Many people have died due to government dysfunction and corruption.

Now, #2YearsAfterMaria, we stand together to remember those we have lost with a unified display of solidarity with Puerto Rico and those on and off the island.

Over 200,000 Puerto Ricans have fled the island in search of a roof over their heads, jobs and overall a better future. Milagros and Maria Isabel are two of our members who fled the island after Hurricane Maria. They left their homes and came to find some kind of peace with family members living in Las Vegas. What they didn’t expect was to find roadblocks on their path to rebuilding their lives in Nevada.

Make the Road NV has made a commitment to fight for the dignity of those living on the island and the millions of Puerto Rican’s that were forced to make the mainland their home by lifting up their demands and taking action.