For Immediate Release:
July 21, 2020Trump Doesn’t Want Undocumented Immigrants to Count in 2020 Census, Again.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020– President Trump released a memo this morning announcing his plans
to sign an Executive Order to exclude undocumented immigrants from being counted in the
2020 Census by limiting non-citizens from being included in population numbers for
congressional redistricting. His administration is using fear and intimidation to stop
undocumented immigrants from filling out the census to erase immigrants in this country. This
undercount in undocumented people will keep resources from communities that need them the
This is yet another attempt to accomplish his xenophobic goals following the failed citizenship
question case last year. The Supreme Court struck down that last attempt to intimidate
undocumented immigrants from filling out the 2020 Census as unconstitutional. Congressional
representation is allocated based on the total peoples in a state, not just those eligible to vote.
Everyone who lives in the United States as of April 1, 2020, must be counted, the futures of our
families and communities depend on it.
As we face the COVID-19 pandemic, getting a full count is more crucial now than ever. A full,
accurate count means hospitals, food banks, and infrastructure for emergency responses. This
is a distraction from his continued failure in handling the COVID-19 pandemic.
“This is just a scare tactic to further marginalize our communities. Through our work with our
Censo y Cena events we have heard how mixed-status families fear accurately filling out the
Census because of the belief they’ll put their loved ones at risk of deportation regardless of the
laws in place to protect Census data. This disgusting executive order will just cause more fear
and confusion for undocumented communities.” Audrey Peral, MRNV Economic Justice