March 16th 2019
The safety of our members and staff is our number one priority at Make the Road. Out of precautionary measures, and recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we will be redirecting our staff to work remotely for the week of March 16th and will temporarily close our office doors for the time being. We will continue to assess and monitor the health situation on a weekly basis.
We have put together a list of resources for anyone affected by recent events do to the COVIN-19. You can find those resources on our Resource page in English here and in Spanish here.
Please do not be alarmed as our mission of building the power of Latinx and working-class communities of color to achieve dignity and justice still continues. Our team will remain available to our community digitally through email or by phone. Leave a voicemail at (702) 907-1560 with your full name and best return contact information so that one of our organizers may call you back.
We will be sharing important resources on our social media and website to keep the community up to date with important information. We want to remind the community you are not alone and we are all here together.
¡El pueblo unido jamás será vencido! The people united will never be divided!